Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Daesung reaches settlement with family of deceased motorcyclist - Keluarga Hyung Tak Akan Tuntut Daesung Big Bang

Drama berkepanjangan antara Daesung Big Bang dan keluarga almarhum Hyun -pengendara sepeda motor yang ditrabrak Daesung, tampaknya perlahan akan terselesaikan setelah adanya kesepakatan di antara mereka. Seorang perwakilan dari Daesung menyatakan, "Pada tanggal 19 Juli, Daesung dan keluarga korban telah mencapai kesepakatan. Keluarga korban menyatakan bahwa mereka tidak akan menuntut Daesung, dan bahwa mereka merasa bersimpati padanya. Mereka juga meminta Daesung untuk tidak memikirkan masalah ini lagi, dan bahwa mereka ingin melihat dia segera aktif bekerja." translated and summarized by nae @ http://naesukkie.blogspot.com

from allkpop
The drama between Big Bang’s Daesung and the family of deceased motorcylist Hyun seems to be edging towards closure, as it’s being reported that they have compromised on a settlement. A representative told OSEN regarding the settlement, “On July 19th, Daesung and the victim’s family reached a settlement. The victim’s family have expressed that they do not seek charges against Daesung, and that they felt sympathy for him. They also told him not to agonize over the issue, and that they would like to see him be more active soon.

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