Sunday, June 26, 2011

Daesung Big Bang menghentikan kegiatan promosi sampai akhir tahun - Daesung to suspend all promotions until the end of the year

  Akibat kecelakaan mobil yang terjadi pada tanggal 31 Mei lalu, Daesung Big Bang akan menghentikan semua kegiatan promosi sampai akhir tahun. Berkaitan dengan pengumuman hasil otopsi, Daesung sementara akan menghabiskan waktu untuk evaluasi diri, dan bertanggung jawab atas perbuatannya yang menyebabkan kematian pengendara sepeda motor, Hyun. SIM Daesung akan dicabut dan ia akan diadili di persidangan di Pengadilan Distrik Seoul Selatan. Jika nantinya ada kesepakatan dengan keluarga Hyun, tuntuntan Daesung mungkin akan dikurangi.  

YG Entertainment menyatakan bahwa setelah konser Mei di Jepang berakhir, Daesung dan anggota Big Bang lainnya sedang beristirahat tanpa kegiatan promosi karena belum adanya konser atau album. Sehingga berhentinya Daesung dari kegitan promosi tidak akan berpengaruh pada langkah Big Bang selanjutnya. Pada konser Big Bang yang diadakan di Seoul pada tanggal 25, group band Big Bang terlihat tampil tanpa Daesung. translated and summarized by nae @

from Koreaboo
Due to the fatal car accident that occurred on May 31st, Daesung will be halting all promotions until the end of the year.Following the announcement of the autopsy results, Daesung will take time to self reflect, atone for his accident and take responsibility in causing the death of the motorcyclist, Hyun. Due to the accident, Daesung's drivers license will be revoked and it is expected that he will have a trial at the Seoul Southern District Court. If the agreement with the family of Hyun is submitted, Daesung's charges may be reduced.

YG Entertainment stated, "After the end of May's concerts in Japan, Daesung and the members of Big Bang are resting without any special scheduled promotions. Since there are no important scheduled promotions due to no concerts or albums, Daesung's halt of promotions will not affect the team's next step." For the Big Bang mini-concert that was held in Seoul on the 25th, Daesung excused himself and the group appeared without him.

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