Friday, June 24, 2011

Daesung Big Bang Dituntut Hukuman Penjara 5 Tahun atau Denda USD$ 20,000 - Daesung Facing Five-year Jail Time or $20,000 USD Fine

Pada Jumat tanggal 24 Juni dalam konferensi pers, pejabat polisi Youngdeungpo mengungkapkan hasil investigasi mereka tentang kecelakaan lalu lintas fatal pada akhir Mei dan menyatakan bahwa Daesung Big Bang bertanggung jawab atas kematian pengendara sepeda motor Hyun. 

Polisi menyatakan, "Daesung akan dituntut atas kelalaian sebagai pengemudi yang tidak melihat ke depan hingga akhirnya menabrak pengendara motor yang terluka dan terkapar di jalan. Selanjutnya mereka mengungkapkan," Cedera dari tabrakan awal mungkin beresiko mengancam nyawa Hyun, tetapi luka yang diderita dari tabrakan kedua (oleh Daesung) begitu parah sehingga hampir mustahil untuk membedakan kedua akibat tabrakan tersebut. Karena antara kecelakaan sepeda motor awal Hyun dan kecelakaan Daesung hanya berselisih waktu selama 2 menit saja, kami memastikan bahwa Hyun tidak meninggal dalam waktu 2 menit tersebut. Video taksi juga menunjukkan bahwa mobil Daesung melaju pada kecepatan 70 sampai 80 km / jam "

Setelah dikonfirmasi bahwa Hyun tewas karena cedera dari tabrakan awal dan dari luka akibat tertabrak mobil Daesung, Daesung sekarang menghadapi tuntutan dengan ancaman hukuman penjara lima tahun atau denda USD$  20,000. indonesian translation by nae @


Koreaboo - On Friday, June 24th at a press conference, the Youngdeungpo police officials revealed the results of their investigation of the fatal traffic accident at the end of May stating that Daesung was responsible for the death of motorcyclist Hyun. As a result, the police suggested the indictment of Big Bang’s Daesung. 

The police reported, “Daesung will be charged for negligence as a driver for not looking ahead to see the motorcyclist which caused him to run over the injured cyclist on the floor. ” Continuing, they revealed, “The injuries Hyun sustained from his initial collision under the influence prior to being run over may have been life-threatening, but the injuries sustained from being run over were so extensive that distinguishing the two is not possible.” Furthermore, the Youngdeungpo police revealed, “Because there were only about two minutes between Hyun’s intial motorcycle accident and Daesung’s accident, we have determined that Hyun did not die within that time frame. The taxi’s video also indicated that Daesung was speeding at 70 to 80 km/h.”

After the confirmation that Hyun was killed by the injuries of the initial collision into the streetlight and the injuries he sustained from being run over by Daesung’s car, Daesung is now facing unknown charges as the issue is being turned over to prosecutors. By law, he is facing a jail time of five years or a $20,000 USD fine.

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