Monday, July 18, 2011

Park Shin Hye Dilarikan ke Rumah Sakit - Park Shin Hye gets hospitalized after car accident

Aktris Park Shin Hye diberitakan tertimpa musibah kecelakaan mobil.  Kecelakaan itu terjadi pada tanggal 18 Juli sekitar jam 11:30 (waktu Korea) , ketika van yang dikemudikan manajer Park Shin Hye menabrak pagar pembatas. Lima orang yang berada di dalam van, termasuk Park Shin Hye, segera dilarikan ke rumah sakit.

Menurut polisi, manajer Park Shn Shye sepertinya tidak melihat strip median pertukaran jalan raya dan kemudian menabraknya. Dampak tabrakan tersebut sangat kuat hingga setengah bagian depan van hancur, dan keempat ban lepas dari kendaraan.

Untungnya, tidak ada yang terluka parah dari kecelakaan itu. Seorang perwakilan dari manajemennya menyatakan bahwa Park Shin Hye tidak terkena cedera yang signifikan, dan akan segera kembali syuting untuk untuk drama MBC 'Heartstrings' setelah dirawat selama sehari di rumah sakit untuk beristirahat. indonesian translation by nae @

It’s been revealed that actress Park Shin Hye was recently involved in a car accident. The accident occurred on July 18th around 11:30pm KST, when the van that Park Shin Hye’s manager was driving ran into a guardrail. The five people who were in the van, including Park Shin Hye, were immediately transported to a hospital to receive treatment.

The police believe that that her manager didn’t notice the median strip on the highway interchange, and as a result the van crashed into it. The impact was so strong that the front half of the van was partially destroyed, and all four tires fell off the vehicle.

Thankfully, no one was seriously injured from the accident. A representative from her agency stated that Park Shin Hye had not received any significant injuries, and would be returning to film for MBC’s ‘Heartstrings‘ after spending a day in the hospital to rest.

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