Thursday, July 28, 2011

Water/flood damage continues in Korea, affects music industry and more - Bencana Hujan/Banjir Berkepanjangan di Korea Terpa Industri Musik

Tanggal 26 Juli 2011 Korea Selatan dilanda bencana hujan yang merusak banyak properti dan bisnis. Badan meteorologika Korea mengkonfirmasi bahwa curah hujan di Seoul mencapai 301.5 millimeters di hari Rabu.  Hujan lebat memang sering terjadi selama musim panas di Korea, tapi yang terjadi saat ini adalah adanya ketidakstabilan atmosfer di atas semenanjung Korea yang mengakibatkan hujan lebat dengan jumlah curah yang tak normal seperti biasanya. Curah hujan terbesar sepanjang sejarah tercatat di Seoul tanggal 2 Agustus 1920, mencapai 354.7 millimeters; hampir sebesar curah hujan yang terjadi saat ini.

Industri musik juga tak lepas dari dampak negatif dari hujan lebat ini. Girl's Day, Yoon Dohyun, Baek Jiyoung, dan Jungyup Brown Eyed Soul hanya sebagian dari artis2 yang mengalami  kerugian akibat curah hujan yang di luar batas normal ini. Tempat berlatih Girl's Day di Kangman-gu Yeoksam-dong Seoul tergenang banjir. Menurut perwakilan mereka, banjir yang menggenangi tempat latihan merusak peralatan audio dan alat2 lainnya. Properti vokalis Brown Eyed Soul Jungyup juga mengalami kerusakan berat diantaranya garasi tergenang banjir, kerusakan mobil, dan pemadaman listrik di apartemennya.  Tempat latihan Yoon Dohyun bahkan mengalami kerusakan akibat hujan dalam 2 tahun berturut-turut. Sementara, Baek Jiyoung terpaksa membatalkan Dog Lovers' Cafe Luncheon, yang awalnya dijadwalkan tanggal 27 Juli 2011.

Tentu saja bukan hanya artis2 saja yang terkena dampak dari bencana alam ini. Banyak daerah di Korea Selatan yang juga mengalami kerusakan akibat bencana alam ini, termasuk Seoul selatan dan Gyeonggi-do, yang menyebabkan toko2, restoran2 dan bank terpaksa harus menghentikan operasional usahanya; lebih dari 100 hektar lahan pertanian porak poranda. Tak hanya industri retail dan pertanian yang mengalami banyak kerugian, perusahaan teknologi dan IT seperti Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Nexon, dan NCsoft berlokasi di daerah2 yang mengalami kerusakan parah.

Ini hanya sedikit contoh betapa besarnya kerusakan properti yang terjadi di Korea. Menurut National Emergency Management Agency, korban tewas mencapai 41 orang sementara korban hilang mencapai 12 12 orang hari Selasa. Hari Rabu, bencana longsor menimpa perumahan di Mount Umyeon -Seoul selatan, menewaskan belasan orang. Longsor juga terjadi di Chuncheon menewaskan 13 orang yang mayoritas adalah mahasiswa. Ratusan orang juga telah dievakuasi dari daerah2 yang tergenang banjir. Source: Xinhua, Joongang Daily, Arirang, Star News via Koreaboo - translated and summarized by nae @

Beginning on July 26, South Korea saw heavy rainfall that has damaged property and business. The Korean Meteorological Administration confirmed that Seoul received 301.5 millimeters of rain on Wednesday. While Korea often sees regional torrential rains during the summer season, it is said that atmospheric instability over the Korean Peninsula contributed to the unusual amount of torrential rain. The most precipitation previously recorded in Seoul was back on August 2, 1920, at 354.7 millimeters; the amount of rain seen today is nearly at that record level.

Only one of many industries that have been affected by the downpour, the music industry is taking a hit. Girl's Day, Yoon Dohyun, Baek Jiyoung, and Brown Eyed Soul's Jungyup are only a few of the artists that have experienced inconveniences due to the heavy rainfall nationwide.

Girl group Girl's Day saw their practice room in Seoul's Kangman-gu Yeoksam-dong flooded. According to a representative that spoke to Star News, the girls' dance practice room flooded, causing audio equipment and other such necessities to malfunction. Brown Eyed Soul vocalist Jungyup also experienced a bout of major property damage. His garage flooded, his car broke, and his apartment had a blackout. Yoon Dohyun, vocalist of the band named after himself, saw his practice room receive water damage two years in a row. Baek Jiyoung canceled the Dog Lovers' Cafe Luncheon, initially scheduled for July 27th.

Of course, idols aren't the only ones to be affected by the natural disaster. Many areas in South Korea have received a lot of damage, including southern Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, causing retail stores, restaurants, and banks to close their doors. Farmland has been severely damaged; over 100 hectares of farmland have been destroyed. The retail and agricultural industries in Korea are not the only ones that have taken a hit. While major heavy industries have reported to have been hardly affected by the rain, technology and IT firms like Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Nexon, and NCsoft are located on areas that have been severely damaged.

These are only some of the examples of the property damage that has been done to Korea. According to the National Emergency Management Agency, 41 people have been found dead and 12 missing as of Thursday morning.

On Wednesday, a mudslide struck residential areas around southern Seoul's Mount Umyeon, killing over a dozen people. A landslide in Chuncheon killed 13 residents, most of whom were college students. Hundreds have been evacuated due to flooding provinces.
Source: Xinhua, Joongang Daily, Arirang, Star News via Koreaboo

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