Wednesday, August 17, 2011

B2ST's 'So Beast" Promotion Canceled - Promosi Album B2ST "So Beast" Dibatalkan

B2ST sampai di bandara Haneda Jepang tanggal 16 Agustus, namun mereka tertahan selama 8 jam karena masalah visa. arrived at Japan’s Haneda Airport. Mereka kemudian membatalkan semua acara dan kembali ke Korea. Pewakilan dari Cube Entertainment menyatakan, “Universal Music (manajemen B2ST di Jepang) adalah pihak yang bertanggungjawab atas distribusi musik B2STdi Jepang. Kami sebelumnya telah berbicara dengan  mereka mengenai jadwal dan visa. Bahkan mereka sudah mengkonfirmasi bahwa tak ada masalah (mengenai jadwal dan visa"

Awalnya B2ST akan mempromosikan album pertama mereka ‘SO BEAST’yang telah resmi dirilis tanggal 1o di Jepang. B2ST juga akan berpartisipasi di acara kejutan dan menghadiri premiere film Hollywood “Shanghai“ yang menggunakan lagu mereka “Fiction“ di promosinya.

Cube Entertainment menyatakan, “Mengenai sebab tertahannya kami di bandara, kami akan menanyakan masalah sebenarnya pada manajemen Jepang. Mulai sekarang, kami berjanji akan lebih berhati-hati mempersiapkan segalanya agar semua aktivitas B2ST bisa terhindar dari masalah." translated and summarized by nae @

On the morning of August 16th, B2ST arrived at Japan’s Haneda Airport. However, they couldn’t pass through customs and were put on standby for over eight hours. Afterwards, they cleared their planned schedules and boarded a plane back to Korea. A representative from Cube Entertainment stated, “Universal Music (B2ST’s Japanese label) is responsible for the distribution of B2ST’s music in Japan. We definitely corresponded with them about the schedule and visa matters. We were even informed in advance that there were no problems.”

Originally, B2ST was going to promote their first album ‘SO BEAST’, which was fully released in Japan on the 10th, before returning to Korea. B2ST was also going to participate in a surprise event and attend the premiere of Hollywood blockbuster “Shanghai“ since the movie was using their song “Fiction“ in its promotions.

Cube Entertainment said, “Regarding the standby situation at the airport, we are currently asking the Japanese label about the exact problem and trying to understand the details. From now on, we promise thorough preparations to prevent future problems in B2ST’s Japanese activities.”

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