Monday, August 15, 2011

One Night Two Days: Lee Seung Gi Confesses About Losing Hair Because of Pressure - One Night Two Days: Rambut Lee Seung Gi Rontok Akibat Stress

Di episode variety show "One Night Two Days (1N2D)" yang disiarkan pada tanggal 14 Agustus, tiap anggota diberikan misi untuk mengirimkan sebuah "cerita" atau "pengakuan" ke sebuah acara radio. Lee Seung Gi mengaku tentang stres dan tekanan yang dialaminya saat tampil di variety show hingga mengakibatkan kerontokan rambut. Lee Seung Gi menulis, "Setelah untuk pertamakalinya tampil di variety show, selama tiga tahun saya tidak bisa tidur jika keesokan harinya akan syuting, hati saya terasa berat ketika harus melakukan 'dance hazing' dan setiap minggu saya stress mempersiapkan segalanya hingga akhirnya rambut saya pun rontok." Ia juga menulis tentang anggota lain,"Hyungs di acara ini (1N2D) mengambil konsep peran antagonis sehingga sekecil apapun kontribusi saya bisa menimbulkan citra positif di mata penonton, saya sangat berterimakasih untuk ini" indonesian translation by nae @

On the episode of “One Night Two Days” that was broadcast on August 14th, each member had a mission of sending in a “story” or “confession” to a radio show. Lee Seung Gi confessed about the stress and pressure of appearing on a variety show that ended up in his losing hair. Lee Seung Gi wrote, “After first appearing on a variety show, for three years I haven’t slept before the day of filming, my heart was heavy when I had to do ‘dance hazing’ and each week I prepared when highly stressed, this ended up in me losing hair.” He also wrote about the other members, “The hyungs on the show took up concepts as being the bad apples. Because of that any small good deed I did on the show made viewers have a positive image about me, I am thankful for that.” source: soompi

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