Friday, August 19, 2011

Kim Ha Neul's Movie 'Blind' Breaks Records - Film 'Blind' Kim Ha Neul Pecahkan Rekor

Kim Ha Neul terlihat di Bandara Incheon pagi ini. Aktris cantik ini akan terbang menuju ke Hong Kong untuk  wawancara tentang film barunya, "Blind" Film yang dirilis 10 Agustus lagu  telah berhasil menjual 803.010 tiket hanya dalam minggu pertama saja, memecahkan rekor penjualan tiket film thriller domestik di Korea. Kim memainkan peran seorang wanita buta, mantan petugas pelatihan polisi, yang merupakan salah satu dari dua saksi pembunuhan. Namun, saksi lainnya yang diperankan oleh Yoo Seung Ho ternyata memiliki kesaksian yang sangat berbeda atas kasus itu. indonesian translation by nae @
 Kim Ha Neul was spotted at Incheon Airport early this morning.  The actress was headed to Hong Kong, where she will be conducting an interview to discuss her new movie, "Blind."  The movie, which premiered on August 10, has sold 803,010 in its first week alone, breaking the sales records in Korea for domestic thriller movies. Kim plays a blind woman, a former police officer-in-training, who is one of two witnesses at a potential murder scene.  Unfortunately, the other witness, played by Yoo Seung Ho, happens to have a very different story about the incident.  source: soompi

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